Speed & Agility Clinics
Speed and Agility Allies is a four tier program that breaks down the speed and agility fundamentals, giving your athlete an opportunity to become faster, more agile, and quicker. The clinic is strategically programmed to be universal and progressive starting with basic level training to expert level training; extremely beneficial regardless of the sport your athlete plays. By teaching your young athlete these fundamentals the right way, we in-turn provide longevity in their sport as well. This clinic is designed to be fun and interactive while teaching your kids why appropriate technique and form is necessary. Speed and Agility Allies will teach concepts that players will use during their entire athletic journey.
S&A Allies NEW Program Director - Alissa Gunter
Born and raised in OKC, OK, Alissa found a passion in helping others perform to their best of abilities. She graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with a major in exercise science and a certification as an exercise physiologist. Alissa is a firm believer in providing longevity through every sport and that starts with the right modes of training. She is excited to not only teach youth athletes but learn with them as well.
Speed & Agility Mission Statement:
Get players excited about sports by placing them in an environment built on both success and enjoyment.
More Information About Speed & Agility Allies:
Speed and Agility is a weekly program broken into four ties for players BETWEEN THE AGES OF 7-14. The foundation of the program remains the same. Players will stay in sports longer if they truly have a love for the game. At a young age, understanding the specifics of “why” is critical for both cognitive and physical development. The S&A Allies program will help players understand skillsets and movements as they travel along a journey of becoming a more well rounded athlete.