Enter a chance to win every week by submitting a vote for your favorite goal (or winner) in each match-up.
Only one vote per round. Yet, your name remains in the VOTER’S POOL throughout the tourney unless it is picked.
Voting every round increases your chances of winning further in the tourney as your name will remain in the VOTER’S POOL.
For example, if you don’t win in Round 1 your name will remain in the VOTER’S POOL. If you vote again in Round 2, your name will be in the VOTER’S POOL twice so better chances that your name will get picked. We are rewarding loyal voters!
Votes must be submitted by every Friday at 8pm CST.
By voting and submitting your contact information, you agree to be placed on both the Soccer Allies & OKC Energy FC email list. You may unsubscribe to these emails at any time.